Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) South Kalimantan Fourth Quarter 2014 As much as 103.32 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kota Baru Regency

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Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) South Kalimantan Fourth Quarter 2014 As much as 103.32

Release Date : February 5, 2015
File Size :  MB


General Explanation

Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) is an indicator of current economic development generated by the Central Bureau of Statistics Consumer Tendency Survey (STK). ITK is a composite index of household perceptions of economic conditions on consumer spending behavior of consumers and collected data on a quarterly basis by the panel. In 2014 STK conducted every quarter with a sample of the third quarter of 2014 amounted to 234 households. Respondents STK is a subsample of the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) especially in urban areas. The sample selection is done between quarter panels (same respondents for each quarter) to obtain a more accurate picture of the changes in consumer perception over time.
Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) South Kalimantan Fourth Quarter 2014 As much as 103.32
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