July 2013 Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 2.24 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kota Baru Regency

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July 2013 Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 2.24 percent

Release Date : August 1, 2013
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In July 2013 the city of Banjarmasin experienced inflation of 2.24 percent. From 66 cities in Indonesia, recorded 66 cities experienced inflation. Inflation was at 6.04 percent of Ternate and the lowest inflation happened in Singkawang of 1.36 percent.

Banjarmasin inflation due to price increases shown by the increase in the index of foodstuffs amounted to 3.51 percent, the group of food rose by 1.00 percent, housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel rose by 0.01 per cent , health group rose by 0.02 percent, transportation, communication and financial services increased by 7.98 percent, education, recreation and sport has not changed. Meanwhile, clothing fell 0.69 percent.
Ten primary commodities that drive inflation are gasoline, onion, rice, air freight, transportation within the city, saluang, grilled fish, inter-city transportation, bloating / bloat, cob.

Ten major commodity inflation is inhibiting the cork, garlic, golden jewelry, chicken, sugar, apples, pumpkin machete / sweet / red, Sepat siam, white cabbage / cabbage, oranges.

According to its components, the goods whose prices are influenced by government policy (administered goods inflation) generally experienced inflation of 5.67 percent, prices volatile (volatile goods inflation) inflation by 2.86 percent and the core components (core inflation) experienced infalsi of 0.89 percent.

Inflation rate of calendar year (January-July) in 2013 of 3.83 percent, while the rate of inflation "year on year" (July 2013 to July 2012) of 6.16 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

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